Thursday 8 June 2017

Becoming Aware of the Observer Behind Your Thoughts

Becoming Aware of the Observer Behind Your Thoughts

All too often, when we are put off balance by a person or an event, we can find ourselves reacting unfavourably in the moment.  I know this, because I am human, and I recognise this behaviour in myself when it happens.  This means that the "other part of me" - the observer, or as I call her "my Highest Self / Angel Self", is aware of my human or "ego / little self" being controlled by my emotions in that moment because I have allowed myself to be taken off-balance by events or a person's behaviur towards me.  We all do it, because we are all human!  Even the top "experts" I am sure find themselves sometimes being off-balance in this way.

The difference for me now, and for many years, is that my "Observer Angel Self" is lovingly detached from the drama that is going on in my mind as my "little self" grapples with the emotions that are rushing around and creating all kinds of thoughts based on past experiences of similar situations, which triggered the same kind of responses.

So this is great; to be in the role of "Observer".  I then - consciously - become aware of the turmoil going on within and "talk" to my "little self" from my "Angel Self" with love to bring myself back into balance.

Over the years, meditations like Deepak's have really helped and nuggets of wisdom from Wayne Dyer; John Asseraf et al have all helped me to become more detached more often from my emotions when they become turbulent and to, at the same time, be more loving to myself and accepting that this is part of the journey of being on Earth; to overcome the programming towards negativity which is all around us and to come; act and BE from a place of Love; Compassion; Acceptance and, ultimately, Joy.  

The first step to achieving this state is to become aware of that "other person" who is - at this very moment - watching and observing you as you read my post; the person who gives you a nudge when you are about to do something detrimental to yourself; the person who just "knows" what the right thing is to do.  That is your Highest Self or Angel Self as I like to call them.  Always looking out for you - your own personal Angel, with YOUR best interests at heart all the time.  Just relax right this minute and see if you can become aware of the person behind your eyes - observing you looking; reading; breathing......... this is the TRUE you.  Tune-in, and greet your Angel Self and begin the journey towards a great sense of happiness and joy as a result.  



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