Monday 19 March 2018

A Window Into The Soul

A Window into The Soul.....

by Emily McMorran

This phenomenon being called ‘The Event’ is curious indeed!  There will be many who are completely unaware and, conversely, many, including me, who are really affected by the increase in energies and finding themselves feeling perhaps a little discombobulated as their physical 3D bodies adjust to the changes.  

I have  felt that there is a much brighter sense of light around, even though we have had an overcast sky since snow arrived, again, on Saturday.   

I have needed to meditate a great deal and rest and have felt in a state of limbo a great deal of the time as I feel my old ‘fears’ fighting to stay whilst my ‘Angel’ or ‘Higher’ Self does its best to comfort me as I feel my DNA continuing to be re-written as the ascendant process on Earth continues!  

I have felt myself vacillating between 3rd; 4th & 5th dimensions as things change in and around me as I seek the comfort and safety of my home - aka The Healing House as a number of my friends call it...... which is and has been for some time in 7th Dimension.... (maybe that's why I often feel invisible ha ha!) All the Angels; Ascended Masters and my many crystals vie for the lead to give comfort and protection.....

I am blessed πŸŒΈπŸ’—πŸŒΊ 

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