Thursday 31 August 2017

Louise Hay's Top 10 Rules For Success (@LouiseHay)

In memory of the wonderfully uplifting Louise Hay!  Thank you for all you gave us whilst you were still alive on the Earth Plane and thank you for your legacy of nuggets like these! 

Rest In Peace and Rise In Glory dear lady........

Friday 18 August 2017

Be Aware of Your Patterns By: Jeff Keller

If you’re like most people, you’re probably aware of your patterns in your life. By “patterns,” I mean situations that seem to show up over and over again; the cast of characters may change a bit, but the end results remain the same.

In and of themselves, such patterns aren’t necessarily good or bad. They can be the source of boundless joy or tremendous frustration, economic abundance or financial struggle. In fact, it’s quite likely that you have both positive and negative patterns in your life right now.

For instance, maybe you’ve worked for numerous bosses who have been very critical of you. No matter what company you’re with, the same result occurs. This is a pattern.

Be Aware of Your Patterns

If you honestly analyze your life, you will see that you have created (and continue to create!) many patterns some that serve you and others that hinder your progress.

At the root of most patterns is a belief system (your expectations about what you can achieve) and your level of self-esteem (how you feel about yourself). For instance, if you don’t believe that you are capable of earning more than a certain amount of money, you’ll go from one position or career to another and find that, in each case, you earn only as much as your expectations will allow.

Similarly, if you have relatively low self-esteem, you’ll find that in one relationship after another (both personally and in your career), you will tend to attract people who will put you down.

Let’s look at some specific steps you can take to create new patterns that will improve every area of your life:
  1. Identify Your Current Patterns
    Take stock of the results you’ve produced in the following areas: your career, financial circumstances, health status, professional and personal relationships. Are you steadily advancing in your career … or are you bouncing from job to job or stagnating in a position you hate? Do you feel that colleagues appreciate your efforts … or are you regularly criticized “for no good reason”? After identifying your patterns, ask yourself: What beliefs do I have that contribute to these outcomes? For instance, you may believe that “You can only earn money after a lot of struggle” … or that “People will ultimately let you down.” Make a list of your beliefs. 

  2. Stop Placing the Blame on Others or on External Circumstances
    If you’ve identified any patterns you don’t like, the solution is not found in blaming your parents, your employer, or your spouse. And, guess what? It won’t help to blame yourself either! You’ll just feel worse. Simply acknowledge the fact that you are perpetuating the pattern because of your thinking and your behavior. 

  3. Visualize the New Pattern You Wish to Develop

    Your mind is now filled with pictures that support your existing circumstances! To break free from this, you must substitute images of what you choose to become. So, if you want to be more confident, imagine yourself acting with more assurance. For instance, you might think of yourself delivering an effective presentation in front of a large group in your company. 

  4. Watch Your Words
    Be very careful about what you say, both to yourself (“self-talk”) and to others. Words and phrases that put you down or describe your limitations will keep you from establishing a new pattern. 

  5. Distance Yourself from Those Who Exhibit Your “Old” Pattern

    If you want to break a dependency on drugs or alcohol, you can’t continue to hang around people who abuse these substances, right? Similarly, if you want to break a chain of negative thinking, don’t keep company with negative thinkers. 

  6. Take Action That Supports the New Pattern
    For instance, those having financial problems might give up the idea of shopping around to save a few pennies on a gallon of milk. If you are obsessed with saving a few cents, the message you send to your mind is, Money is scarce and a few cents is going to make a difference to me. If you truly believe that you are going to earn a considerable amount of money in the near future, those few cents would not concern you. Start paying attention to recurring situations in your life. They aren’t happening by “accident”; rather, they are a reflection of what’s going on inside of you.
    When you elevate your thinking about what’s possible and feel good about yourself 
    you’ll begin to produce miracles! 

Jeff Keller is the President of Attitude Is Everything Inc. Learn more about Jeff and his bestselling book Attitude Is Everything.


Wednesday 16 August 2017

Are You Prepared for Success? By: Brian Tracy

Are you prepared for success? Earl Nightingale once said that if a person does not prepare for his success, when his opportunity comes, it will only make him look foolish. You’ve probably heard it said repeatedly that luck is what happens when preparedness meets opportunity. Only when you’ve paid the price to be ready for your success are you in a position to take advantage of your opportunities when they arise. And the most remarkable thing is this: The very act of preparation attracts to you, like iron filings to a magnet, opportunities to use that preparation to advance in your life. You’ll seldom learn anything of value without soon having a chance to use your new knowledge and your new skills to move ahead more rapidly.

There is a series of things that you can do to become ready for success. All of these activities require self-discipline and a good deal of faith. They require self-discipline because the most normal and natural thing for people to do is to try to get by without preparation. Instead of taking the time and making the effort to be ready for their chance when it comes, they fool around, listen to the radio, watch television, and then they try to wing it and dupe others into thinking that they are more prepared than they really are. And since just about everyone can see through just about everyone else, the unprepared person simply looks incompetent and foolish.

The Golden Hour

We live in a knowledge-based society, and knowledge in every field is doubling approximately every seven years. This means that you must double your knowledge in your field every seven years just to stay even. You’re already “maxed out” at your current level of knowledge and skill. You’ve reached the ceiling in your career with your current talents and abilities. If you want to go faster and further, you must get back to work and begin to prepare yourself for greater heights. You must put aside the newspaper, turn off the television, politely excuse yourself from aimless socializing, and work on yourself.

Get in the habit of awaking earlier in the morning and spending the first 30 to 60 minutes reading something uplifting, informational, educational. Henry Ward Beecher once said, “The first hour is the rudder of the day.” This is often called the “golden hour.” It’s the hour during which you program your mind and set your emotional tone for the rest of the day. If you get up in the morning at least two hours before you have to be at work, or before your first appointment, and spend the first hour investing in your mind, taking in “mental protein” rather than “mental candy,” reading good books rather than the newspaper or magazines, your whole day will flow more smoothly. You’ll be more positive and optimistic. You’ll be calmer, more confident and relaxed. You’ll gain a greater sense of control and well-being by the very act of reading healthy material for the first hour of each and everyday.

Plan Your Day

Another thing that highly successful people do is plan and prepare for the entire day. They review all of the tasks and responsibilities that they have for the coming hours. They carefully make a list of all their activities, and they set clear priorities on the activities. They decide which things are most important to do, which are secondary in importance, and which things should not be done at all unless all the other things are finished. They then discipline themselves to start working on their most important tasks and stay with them during the day until they’re complete.

The natural tendency of the low performer is to do what is fun and easy before he or she does what is hard and necessary. Underachievers always like to do the little things first. They are drawn to the tasks that contribute little to their careers or future possibilities. But high achievers discipline themselves to start at the top of their list and to work on the activities in order of importance, without diversion or distraction.

In everything you do, preparation is the key. If you want to be ready for success, you have to plant the seeds well in advance of the harvest that you expect. Do what the winners do: Think on paper. Memorize the winner’s creed: “Everything counts.” Everything you do is either moving you toward your goals or away from them. Everything is either helping you or hurting you. Nothing is neutral. Everything counts. A young man once asked a successful businessman how he could be more successful faster. The businessman told him that the key to his own success had been to “get good” at his job.

The young man said, “I’m already good at what I do.”

The businessman then said, “Well, get better!”

The young man, somewhat self-satisfied, said, “Well, I’m already better than most people.”

To that, the businessman replied, “Then be the best.”

Those are three of the best pieces of advice I’ve ever heard: Get good. Get better. Be the best!

A quotation by Abraham Lincoln had a great influence on my life when I was 15. It was a statement he made when he was a young lawyer in Springfield, Illinois. He said, “I will study and prepare myself, and someday my chance will come.”

If you study and prepare yourself, your chance will come as well. There is nothing that you cannot accomplish if you’ll invest the effort to get yourself ready for the success that you desire. And there is nothing that can stop you but your own lack of preparation.

Think about the message in this beautiful poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:

“Those heights by great men won and kept
Were not achieved by sudden flight;
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night.”

Remember that preparation requires self-discipline, because your natural tendency is to do more and more of the things that come most easily to you and avoid those areas that you don’t enjoy because you’re not particularly good at them yet. It requires character for you to admit your weaknesses in a particular area and then resolve to go to work to develop yourself so those weaknesses don’t hold you back. In other words: Prepare yourself for success … or when opportunity knocks, it will make you look a fool.


It’s not what you don’t know that can cause you to miss out on success; it’s what you think you don’t need to know. Perhaps you have never studied the intricacies of how to raise money to support a new venture … you have never needed to. But, how many ideas have you had that get dispelled because they are “too big” or would “cost too much money”? Maybe they would seem smaller, more achievable allowing you to entertain them if you knew how to obtain venture capital. You don’t need to learn every subject in depth. But, take the time to learn what you think you don’t need to know  at least at a cursory level. If the occasion comes to dig deeper, then dig.


Sunday 13 August 2017

A Philospher’s Guide By: Tom Morris

Through a lifetime spent studying the greatest practical thinkers in history  the best philosophical diagnosticians of the human condition from Plato and Aristotle to the present day
I have discovered something fascinating: All of them promoted, in their works and ideas, the same seven universal conditions of success.

The entire sweep of the human adventure shows that in any new endeavor, in any challenge you might face, you can best position yourself for satisfying and lasting success if you act in accordance with these “7 Cs of Success.”
  1. A clear CONCEPTION of what you want, a vivid vision, a goal clearly imagined.

    The world as you find it is just raw material for what you can make it. You are meant to be an artist with your energies, and with your life. The only way to do this well is to structure your energies around clear goals. In any challenging situation, you need to think through exactly what you want to see happen as the consequence of your efforts. What do you want to accomplish? What’s the end game? To be able to answer such questions requires selfknowledge, one of the most difficult things in the world. And yet it’s the prerequisite for any rational road to success. 

  2. A strong CONFIDENCE that you can attain that goal.

    Inner attitude is often the most important key to outer results. In any new enterprise of importance, you need a robust faith in what you are doing. You need a belief in your own competence to do it and in the worthiness of the endeavor. Sometimes you may have to work hard to generate this sort of attitude of inner confidence. But it always facilitates success. 

  3. A focused CONCENTRATION on what it takes to reach the goal.

    All the world’s great religions and philosophies emphasize the importance of what we pay attention to and what we focus on in our lives. Big dreams just lead to huge disappointments when people don’t learn how to focus their energies and plan their path forward. That’s why it’s so often said that success at anything important is always the result of planning your work and then working your plan. The best formula is: Plan and then act. Prepare first, focus on what needs to be done, and then get things going. Don’t wait for success to come to you. Go get it. 

  4. A stubborn CONSISTENCY in pursuing your vision. 

    The word consistency comes from two Greek roots, a verb meaning “to stand” and a particle meaning “together.” Consistency is all about standing together. Do your actions stand together with your words? Do your reactions and emotions stand together with your deepest beliefs and values? Do the members of your family stand together? Do the people you work with stand together? This is what consistency is all about. It’s a matter of collecting your energy and focusing your efforts in a unified direction. Inconsistency diffuses power. Consistency moves you toward your goals in the most efficient ways possible. 

  5. An emotional COMMITMENT to the importance of what you’re doing.

    Passion is the core of extraordinary success. It is a key to overcoming difficulties, seizing opportunities, working far beyond the call of duty, and getting other people excited about your projects. Goal setting in the modern world is too often an exercise of the intellect but not also of the heart. The tighter the connection that you can see between your daily activities and your long-term dreams, the more you can remind yourself of how the difficult work of today will lead to your own most cherished vision of the future, the easier it is to maintain the emotional commitment that is the essence of sustainable success. 

  6. A good CHARACTER to guide you and keep you on a proper course.

    It’s well-known that good character inspires trust. And trust is the foundation necessary for people to work together well. But a good character also has an effect on your own freedom and insight. A person whose perspective on the world has been deeply skewed by selfishness or mendacity cannot understand life in as clear a way as the person whose sensibilities are well formed by morally sound decisions and actions. Plato understood it, and all wise people do: Goodness is a source of strength. 

  7. A CAPACITY TO ENJOY the process along the way.

    It has often been remarked that it’s not the destination but the journey that is of utmost importance in human life. Life is process. And if you can’t enjoy the process of your life as it is, then you need to make a change and find something that you can enjoy. Because only then will you be positioning yourself for the deepest, most satisfying, most enduring forms of success.
Each one of these conditions is vitally important. But the sum total is genuinely amazing. Together, they give you the most powerful framework of inner tools imaginable for achieving positive results in all your personal and professional challenges. And, as a philosopher, I have just one question: Why should you ever settle for anything less?

Tom Morris was an award-winning professor at the University of Notre Dame for 15 year and now heads the Morris Center for Human Values in Wilmington, North Carolina. Learn more about Tom Morris and the Seven Greatest Secrets of All Time.


Wednesday 9 August 2017

A Compelling ‘Why’ By: Denish Waitley

I have a suitcase for you. In that suitcase there is $1 million in cash. The suitcase is sitting in a building that is about an hour’s drive from where you are now.

Here is the deal: All you have to do is get to this building in the next two hours. If you get there before the end of the two hours, I will hand you the suitcase, and you will be a million dollars richer.
There is one catch, however. If you are even one second late, our deal is off, and you will not get a dime. No exceptions! With that in mind, what time would you like to leave?

Most people would respond to that scenario by saying that they would leave right now. Wouldn’t you?

So off you go. You jump into your car and start driving for the building. You are excited and are already starting to plan how you are going to spend your million dollars. Then, suddenly, the traffic comes to a complete stop. You turn on the radio and find that there has been a series of freak accidents between you and the building and there is no way to get there!

Now what would you do? Would you give up and go back home? Or would you get out of your car and walk, run, hire a helicopter, or find some other way of getting to the building on time?

Now let’s suppose for a minute that you are driving to an appointment at your dentist’s office. The traffic again comes to a stop. Amazingly, there have been freak accidents between you and your dentist’s office. What would you do then? Probably give up, go home, and reschedule!

What is the difference between these two situations? It all comes down to why. If the why is big enough, the how is usually not a problem. This compelling why is connected to your personal objectives, mission statement, or magnificent obsessions. It is the basis of your motivational support beam. Truly motivated people are able to identify and tap into the power of a compelling why in everything they do.


Monday 7 August 2017

6 Techniques for Creative Revolutions By: Earl Nightingale

What are some of the best techniques for inspiring a creative revolution – to more effectively to solve problems, make decisions, achieve goals, and better fulfill our ultimate human responsibility, which is to think? Here are a few I have learned:

Think Combination. Everything you see, hear, touch, taste, and smell during the day offers you the opportunity to consider new combinations. When you brush your teeth, you might think of a toothbrush that contains the toothpaste in the handle. You might combine your mirror with a motto reminding you to start the day right. It might read, “How can I increase my service today?” or “Have no small dreams!” That’s thinking combination. A simple pencil is a combination of wood, carbon, rubber, paint, and metal. You can come up with great ideas that can lead to profits, patents, and even billiondollar companies by finding new combinations yourself. Here are a few ways entrepreneurs have profited from thinking combination.

A French company invented an ordinary snorkel combined with a radio the first battery-powered snorkel with an FM radio receiver built in, and it doesn’t even require an earpiece. The product, AQUA FM, uses unique bone conduction technology to transmit sound through the teeth and into the inner ear, providing clear, amazing sound.

In another example, companies like Vonage and Skype have revolutionized telephone service by combining a telephone and the Internet, and the big telecom companies are clambering to keep up. Telephone companies have always charged by the minute for long distance services, but the Internet is different. Broadband is charged at a standard monthly rate for unlimited use. VOIP (Voice over IP) start-up companies have used this to their advantage and thought differently about telephone service. Why pay by the minute to send data via your telephone service when you have a data tunnel you are already paying for — your broadband connection? Simply piggyback on that by connecting your phone to your broadband and talk to anyone in the world for a fraction of the cost.

Think Adaptation. Velcro was created through adaptation. In 1948, George de Mestral, a Swiss engineer, returned from a walk through a field of weeds one day and found some cockleburs [burrs] clinging to his cloth jacket. After studying one of the cockleburs under a microscope, he noticed it was a maze of thin strands with burrs (or hooks) on the ends that cling to fabrics or animal fur. He then recognized the potential for a practical new fastener. It took eight years to experiment, develop, and perfect the invention, but now Velcro is a well-known, incredibly useful product. Velcro has even been further adapted for making all kinds of products better — from shoes that use Velcro instead of laces, to adjustable Velcro wrist straps on boxing gloves.

In another example, designers took tiny flexible optical fibers developed for high-energy physics experiments and wove them into ordinary fabric. This adaptation created a new fabric called Luminex that glows, literally. It’s not shiny and it’s not glow in the dark; it gives off its own light. Now Luminex is being used in stage costumes, handbags, and curtains as well as clothing.*
During the next year you are going to see the result of people thinking adaptation and coming up with ideas worth millions of dollars. Why couldn’t one of these people be you? The only limit to what you can achieve by adapting old products to new uses ” old methods to new applications" is the limit of your own creativity.

Think Substitution. When you think substitution, ask yourself how you might substitute a different idea, product, or material for the one now used. For example, soy burgers are the vegetarian’s substitute for meat products.

And plastic lumber is now used as a substitute for concrete, wood, and metals. Yes, recycled plastic lumber (RPL) is a woodlike product made from recovered plastic or recovered plastic mixed with other materials. This plastic lumber can then be transformed by consumers and manufacturers into a wide range of products, including decks and docks, landscape timbers, parking stops, picnic tables, benches, trash receptacles, planters, and numerous custom applications (think adaptation!).

You can also take an existing product and make it better through thinking substitution. Take, for instance, luggage with wheels. This was a wonderful invention because it eliminated the need to carry luggage. But, for years the wheels were made of cheap plastic, often only a step better than dragging your luggage on the ground. It wasn’t until recently that someone decided to replace these cheap plastic wheels with the high-speed ball-bearing efficient wheels from Rollerblade skates. This substitution created a better wheeled suitcase and made for happier travelers.

In short, don’t assume because a particular thing has always been used in the past, that you have to use it now. Perhaps there’s a substitution that will work better or last longer, or cost less, or be lighter, or more colorful, and so forth. Think substitution.

Think magnification. Think big! Examples include skyscrapers, the Pentagon, king-size soft drinks, and the IMAX theatre. IMAX was started by Canadian filmmakers/entrepreneurs who wanted bigger and better theaters. Now IMAX is the ultimate movie experience, helping people see more, feel more, and hear more.

Vehicles are getting bigger too. We’ve had trucks and vans for many years. But in recent years soccer dads and carpool moms have demanded a different large vehicle” the SUV. The Hummer, Lincoln Navigator, Cadillac Escalade, and Suburban are just a few of the behemoths that safely courier our children to and from their daily activities.

Yet, while most car companies are going larger, BMW went the opposite way, which takes us to our next thinking strategy

Think Minification. Think small! In the midst of the SUV explosion, BMW was thinking small and acquired the rights to the Mini Cooper. This just proves that magnification and minification can succeed in the same market concurrently.

And beyond the car industry, we find technology striving for minification. The iPod is a small portable digital audio player designed and marketed by Apple Computer. And even though it’s already a small product, Apple continues to release smaller and smaller versions of the popular iPod with larger and larger hard drives (thinking minification and magnification!).

Clothing designers are thinking small too. There are entrepreneurs who specialize in baby clothes and small dog clothes, such as the Baby Ultimate Child Clothing and Baby Clothes Boutique ( and the Pure Country Pet Boutique (

Think rearrangement. Turn things around, backward, upside down or inside out. James Dyson, founder of Dyson vacuum cleaners, was tired of buying vacuums that lost suction as they filled up. Rather than improve on the existing designs, he started from scratch and rearranged the entire vacuum in a new and different, and ultimately highly successful, way. Dyson’s new arrangement used cyclonic separation instead of a bag. Eight cylindrical cyclones whirl dirt and air at speeds up to 600 m.p.h. The machine uses centrifugal force to trap the dirt and expel the air. And, there is no filter to clog, which means the Dyson stays powerful. How successful has it been? In the past few years, he has sold over $10 billion worldwide. I’d say his rearrangement was a success!

How about turning something upside down? What’s the problem with typical ketchup, mustard, and salad dressing bottles? It’s hard to get the contents out, especially when the contents are running low. The solution? Manufacturers are now creating the bottles to stand upside down so the contents are always easy to get out.

What do you work with that can benefit from this kind of thinking? What can you turn around,  revolutionize?

Rearrange things, change pace, alter sequence, start from scratch. This type of thinking works for everyone. For instance, salespeople can use these creative techniques to discover new applications for products or services, new ways to emphasize customer benefits, new ideas or product combinations to solve customer problems, better ways to organize their time and effort.

If you want to spur your mind to new action, think combination, adaptation, substitution, magnification, minification, and rearrangement. You’ll be amazed with the ideas you’ll develop.

Before long, you’ll be thinking in each of these ways as a matter of daily course. This kind of thinking increases the scope of your mind power and enables you to achieve fuller use of your mental capabilities. Let your mind work for you. Take nothing for granted. Everything can be changed, improved. The only thing you can count on for certain is change. Don’t wait for it  be an agent of change. Help bring change about.

6 Techniques for Creative Revolutions:
  1. Think Combination
  2. Think adaptation
  3. Think substitution
  4. Think Magnification
  5. Think Minification
  6. Think Rearrangement


Friday 4 August 2017

15 Signposts on the Path to Success By: Jeff Keller

People on the path of growth apply certain principles that allow them to achieve more and lead rich, rewarding lives. If you’re on the path to success, you are a different person than you were five years ago. You think differently. You act differently. You see the world differently. In short, you’re growing and evolving.

But unlike our physical growth, where we can clearly see and gauge our progress (or lack thereof), it is often difficult to measure our personal and professional growth. There is no simple test we can take to assess personal growth, but here are some “signposts” that we can use to gain insight into where we stand.

As you read through this article, measure your present situation against these signposts of personal and professional growth. Consider if you already embrace these ideals or how you might implement them on a more consistent basis.

1. Don’t Fix Blame or Make Excuses

You realize more and more that pointing a finger at others is not the answer to your problems. Instead, you take personal responsibility for your own results and your own happiness. You focus on your attitude, your skills, your actions, and your discipline.

2. Don’t Look Back

Dwelling on unpleasant events in the past won’t change them — and it only makes you feel rotten in the present. So why do it? Part of accepting personal responsibility is the recognition that, at any point, you can change the path you’re on. Learn from the past, but don’t obsess on it. Instead, take action today to create a positive future.

3. Guard the Sanctity of Your Thoughts

You no longer doubt that your thoughts are creating your reality. And, if that’s the case, why would you ever think negatively? You’re disciplining yourself to focus on what you want — as opposed to what you don’t want.

4. Have a Sense of Gratitude Every Day

When you’re young, you tend to take everything for granted — your health, the roof over your head, and the food on your plate. As the years go by, you suddenly experience the “darker” side of life. Either you or your relatives or friends face serious illnesses. You personally know people in their 30s, 40s, or 50s who die. Instead of complaining about the things in your life that aren’t perfect, you choose to be thankful for the many gifts you’ve been given. You identify with the sage advice of Eddie Rickenbacker, who once said, “If you have all the fresh water you want to drink and all the food you want to eat, you should never complain about anything.”

5. Laugh a Lot More — Especially at Yourself.

Several times each day, you find yourself letting out a hearty belly laugh. You take your work seriously but not yourself. Whether you’re with clients, colleagues, friends, or family, make sure to laugh. You’ll feel better and have a lot more fun.

6. Get Excited About Something

When you’re living in the flow of life and up to your highest potential, you’re enthusiastic. You don’t have to go around slapping people on the back, but you’re upbeat and alive. You get up in the morning with a purpose, and you look forward to the day’s activities. People can just look at you — or speak with you — and immediately pick up on your positive energy.

7. Take Some Risks

No one is asking you to go skydiving or put your physical health at risk. However, the path of growth demands that you venture into the unknown. That’s where you discover yourself — and find out what you’re capable of achieving. You begin to get ideas and visions about great things you can accomplish, and you have the courage to go after them! Instead of just thinking about doing something, you take action and do it!

8. Be Less Concerned with What Other People Think

Do you still need to get someone’s approval before making a decision? On the path to success, you’re willing to do what you think is best for you — even if someone else won’t like it. On fundamental issues such as your career, your relationships, and your goals, it’s fine to get advice. But in the end, it’s your view that counts. You’ll never be happy following someone else’s plan for your life.

9. Place More Emphasis on Honesty and Integrity

Even when no one is looking, you do the right thing. Your aim is to build solid long-term relationships, both personally and professionally, and you can’t accomplish this unless you’re a person of character and integrity. Aside from being good to others, this is for your own self-interest. You see, whatever you send out in life will come back to you like a boomerang. You know that for people to treat you with honesty and respect, you must treat them the same way.

10. Stop Trying to ‘Fix’ Others

You’ve learned that a little self-development can be dangerous. While you’ve begun to see that there’s a better way to live and you’re anxious for others to “see the light” as well, you recognize that everyone has his or her own path to follow — and that you don’t decide the rate at which someone else progresses. So, instead of “converting” others, you continue to work on yourself and find that your example is more powerful than any sermon you can preach.
11. Take the Opportunity to Lift Someone Else

You remember how tough it was for you at each level of your life and your career, and how challenging it is right now! Furthermore, you know that you are where you now are, in large part, because some people believed in you, encouraged you, and helped you. You make a point to do the same for those who can benefit from your experience.

12. See Things in Perspective

Your list of what’s truly important in your life continues to shrink. You work hard and enjoy whatever material comforts you have, but “things” are not as essential to you as they once were. You recognize that your health and well-being and that of your loved ones is what really matters. You no longer let little day-to-day annoyances (at work or at home) dictate the attitude, pace, or results of your day.

13. Listen More … and Ask Questions

You’ve learned to tame your ego a bit and don’t feel the need to always be the center of attention. You realize that when you’re talking, you’re not learning anything. You balance your conversations and make sure to draw other people out by asking questions. You’re more interested in learning about their thoughts, ideas, and insights on various issues, their careers, and their families. Every person has a fascinating story to tell, and you want to hear it!

14. Discover That Discipline Is Fun

You never thought you’d say that! Yet it’s true. To build physical fitness, you exercise several times each week. To develop a successful sales career, you pay attention to the basics, day in and day out. You’re no longer looking for the “quick fix” or “quick buck.” Instead, you know full well that you must put in the effort before you can reap the reward. You find tremendous satisfaction in sticking with something and mastering it over a period of time.

15. Set High Standards for Yourself and Others

Careful, this isn’t about achieving “perfection.” Rather, on the path to success, you simply have the desire to reach more and more of your potential. You no longer settle for less than your best effort. And, as you see more of the potential in others, you encourage them to develop their talents as well.
These are 15 signposts on your road to personal and professional success. I’m sure you can add several more items as well, based on your own experiences. Keep these ideas in front of you on a regular basis to gauge your progress. Apply them consistently and you’ll enjoy phenomenal results — plus a tremendously exciting journey!


Tuesday 1 August 2017

Access Your Intuition Article by: Brian Tracy

It has been said that men and women start to become great when they begin to listen to their inner voice, or their intuition. Intuition is so powerful that it has been studied and written about for thousands of years by some of the greatest men and women in history. When you begin to use it regularly and systematically, there is virtually nothing that you cannot accomplish.

Intuition has been called the “still, small voice within.” You may experience your intuition as a gut feeling, as an inner sense of what is right or wrong for you. Sometimes, your intuition manifests itself as a hunch or an inspiration. Often, it comes as a flash of insight. Your intuition leads you to new ideas, concepts, and breakthroughs. Sometimes, an intuitive flash will enable you to see a problem from a new perspective and allow you to solve it on a completely different level. Einstein was referring to intuition when he said, “No problem can be solved on the same level at which you meet it.”

Since the more you do what you’re doing, the more you’ll get of what you’ve got, trying to solve your current problem at your current level is often an exercise in frustration. You can unlock your intuition by using your imagination to think about your problem in a totally different way. There are two major forms of imagination, both of which require the highest use of intuitive powers. They are synthetic imagination and creative imagination.

Synthetic Imagination

Synthetic imagination is your ability to assemble existing pieces of knowledge and information into new forms. It is much like taking all the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, having a clear idea of the picture that you want, and assembling the pieces into a single finished product.

This form of imagination is often called “integrative intelligence.” It is one of the highest forms of intelligence. Integrative intelligence is defined as the ability to integrate a large number of pieces of information into a single precept for decision and action. It is your ability to recognize and sort many different facts and insights, accepting some and discarding others, in the process of making the correct decision. This form of intelligence is extremely valuable in fastmoving, fluid situations that require you to consider many different pieces of information in making a decision. It has been estimated that you need between 20,000 and 50,000 bits of information at your disposal to be successful in any field of endeavor. We live in the information age, and knowledge is the raw material of production in this age. So, the more pieces of information you have, the more effective your integrative intelligence, or synthetic imagination, will be.

The people who rise to the top of any field of endeavor are invariably those who know more than others. In fact, the division in our society today is not between those who “have more” and those who “have less” but, rather, between those who “know more” and those who “know less.” You must continually gather additional bits of practical and useful information so you have plenty of ideas and concepts to draw upon when you are wrestling with any problem or striving toward any goal. Your intuition then goes to work for you by helping you quickly sort out the relevant facts and giving you the answers you need when you need them.

The more ideas you expose yourself to, the greater the probability that the right idea will appear at the right time. When it does, your intuition will help you recognize the idea and integrate it into whatever you are trying to accomplish.

Creative Imagination

The second form of imagination is creative imagination. This is a higher form of imagination, where intuition plays an even more important role. Creative imagination refers to your ability to come up with complexly new and different ideas and concepts to solve your problems and achieve your goals. This form of imagination is at the core of all the great breakthroughs in science, technology, art, music, literature, and medicine. The most successful individuals throughout history have been those who have deliberately trained themselves to tap into their creative imagination on a regular basis.
Men and women who have a highly developed imagination have often reached the point where they completely trust their intuition — their inner voice — to guide them in every situation. The never speak or act until they feel an inner urging to do so. They know that their intuition will always bring them exactly the right answer at exactly the right time.

Your intuition is your direct pipeline to a form of intelligence that is completely beyond your conscious brain. It is accessed by your subconscious mind, which is controlled by the thoughts you think and the beliefs you hold in your conscious mind. The more often you affirm and visualize your desired goals in your conscious mind, the more readily they are picked up by your subconscious mind, and the more rapidly your intuition or creative imagination is triggered. Successful, effective, happy people are those who have gotten onto the beam of their own intuitive senses and who rely continuously on their inner guidance — and they seldom make mistakes.

All the great writers, composers, artists, and scientists have developed the habit of listening to their intuition. You have access to the same intuitive powers as the smartest men and women who ever lived.

Research shows that men and women, tested separately, have intuitions that are equally accurate. They seem to come up with the same intuitive answers to complex problems and questions. Why is it, then, that women’s intuition is more respected than men’s? The answer is simple: Women listen to their intuition more, while men tend to brush it aside. When a woman says, “This situation doesn’t feel right,” she perceives this feeling as a valid and important assessment of whether the situation is right or wrong. Women are generally very respectful of their intuitive feelings, and they generally refuse to go against them. Men will often brush aside their intuitive leanings in favor of a shortterm conscious solution, only to pay the price later.

Perhaps the best method for stimulating your intuition is to practice solitude on a regular basis. Throughout the ages, the greatest thinkers practiced solitude regularly in their work and life. They took time to be alone with themselves. They went off and sat quietly prior to any situation of importance. Most of the great thinkers of today continue to use solitude as an essential tool in developing the creative insights and intuitions that often have the power to change lives.

Most people have never practiced solitude because they wrongly believe that they have no time for it. However, one good idea that comes to you in the silence of solitude can save you a year of hard work. You cannot afford not to practice solitude on a regular basis.

Solitude requires no energy, no effort, no trying at all. It simply requires a state of relaxed awareness in which you open your mind to your greater intelligence. And, at the right moment, exactly  the right answer you need will come to you in exactly the right form.  You can overcome any obstacle, solve any problem, or achieve any goal by tapping into the incredible powers of your mind and by trusting your intuition. Once you begin to develop and use your intuition, you will become more alert, more aware, smarter, and more effective in everything that you do.

2 Forms of Imagination

Synthetic Imagination is your ability to assemble existing pieces of knowledge and information into new forms. It is much like taking all the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, having a clear idea of the picture that you want, and assembling the pieces into a single finished product. The more ideas you expose yourself to, the greater the probability that the right idea will appear at the right time.

Creative Imagination is a higher form of imagination resulting in complexly new and different ideas and concepts to solve your problems and achieve your goals. This form of imagination is at the core of all the great breakthroughs in science, technology, art, music, liter
ature, and medicine. The most successful individuals are those who can deliberately tap into their creative imagination on a regular basis.
